New Year, but Greener

Noga Grinberg

13 January, 2020

We know who the Time Person of the Year was in 2019. And we’re paying attention.

So, for the new year, we’ve decided to focus on things we can do, every day, that can make a positive impact on the environment. As a global community, we recognize the collective impact that individual steps can have, all over the world.

While climate change can sometimes feel like an overwhelming challenge, we are encouraged by the fact that there are some very smart people around the world who are working on creative, innovative solutions. We can, too.

So, starting in January, we’re rolling out a new green initiative every month for our global community, to support each other in making a difference. Because small green acts add up.

Behind the scenes, we’re also taking action and working on things. Our Operations team has implemented significant energy efficiency measures at various locations worldwide, including energy-efficient lighting and timers to shut off or ramp down cooling & heating systems (while taking into account overrides to accommodate 24/7 access). Though there are some locations where it’s easier to make changes than others, we continue to seek out the most energy-efficient and cost-efficient improvements possible, and appropriate technology solutions.

We look forward to an entire year of creative solutions from our entire community. Follow their cool ideas for some inspiration of your own at #greener2020!

About the author

Noga is a content producer and creative projects leader for Mindspace.

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