How to Survive (and Even Celebrate!) Valentine’s Day at Work

Noga Grinberg

10 February, 2020

Red hearts, roses, chocolates — they’re all over the place on Valentine’s Day. And while it’s great that there’s a special day to celebrate love, how can we make it work at the office?

Here are a few tips for surviving — and even enjoying! Valentine’s Day at work:

Flowers for All
Here’s an idea — bring a bouquet of flowers for the entire office. Put it in a place where everyone will see it — at the entryway, near the coffee, in a lounge or where people eat lunch. Write a short note (ex. Happy Valentine’s Day All!) and sit back and see all the smiles 🙂 If you’re into longer-lasting results, get a nice small plant and put a ribbon on it. After all, you’re at work — it doesn’t have to be red roses! Everyone will appreciate it.

Image: Floret Flower Farm

Sweet, Sweet Goodness
It doesn’t have to be chocolate to be delicious. Pick up some strawberries, cookies, or a morning treat on your way to work and bring it into the office for everyone to enjoy during the day. If baking’s your thing, it’s a perfect opportunity to try out that new recipe. Or dip into the classics (chocolate chip cookies anyone??). Go old school and make a construction paper heart to go with the sweets. A Post-it note also works 😉

Go with the Flow
And our biggest piece of advice — don’t let it get to you. If Valentine’s Day is not your thing, that’s cool. If it causes you heart palpitations and brings you back to the 4th grade worrying over whether you’re going to give or get a Valentine’s Day card — that too, is ok. And if this year you’re not in the relationship status you wished for — really, it’s also ok. We love you, just the way you are. And the world could use a little more love.

So, this Valentine’s Day, we’re celebrating the love. Even at work.

About the author

Noga is a content producer and creative projects leader for Mindspace.

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